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Voting Genie™ is a Single Issue, Non Partisan Super Pac whose mission is to guarantee that Chronic Pain Patients are treated with the dignity and standards of care they deserve. Currently, opioid-phobia has made many of them scapegoats and victims of the War on Drugs, ruining their lives in the process.
We fully realize that there are many different levels of Chronic Pain, just as there are many different protocols for Pain Management. Therefore, we are not an advocacy group for automatic opioid dispensing to any patient claiming to suffer from pain. However, we are an advocacy group for those Chronic Pain patients who only respond to opioids due to the severity and underlying causes of their pain.

Voting Genie™ is a Single Issue, Non Partisan Super Pac whose mission is to guarantee that Chronic Pain Patients are treated with the dignity and standards of care they deserve.  Currently, opioid-phobia has made many of them scapegoats and victims of the War on Drugs, ruining their lives in the process. 

We fully realize that there are many different levels of Chronic Pain, just as there are many different protocols for Pain Management.  Therefore, we are not an advocacy group for automatic opioid dispensing to any patient claiming to suffer from pain.  However, we are an advocacy group for those Chronic Pain patients who only respond to opioids due to the severity and underlying causes of their pain.  

We believe that less is more in a certain sense.  Unless medically contra-indicated we would put surgery as the last resort, epidurals and other trigger point injections as the second to last resort, opioids and NSAIDs as the third to last resort (they are both deadly and one or the other may be contra-indicated due to underlying conditions), followed by chiropractic and acupuncture care and other modalities.

We also believe that every pain patient is different.  That the pain patients’ pain is what they say it is, and that there currently are DNA tests which can indicate which medicines (including opioids) will work the most effectively, and how quickly the patient will metabolize them so that proper dosage may be calculated.  Putting an arbitrary cap on opioid MME levels is quite simply McMedicine.

We also believe that this is not an issue that can be resolved through the scientific or medical community.  While there are many wonderful people in these fields, there are also those who are in it for the money and will sell their soul to big pharma.  Both big pharma and the health care have agendas which are all about profit and having nothing to do with patient outcome.  Additionally, while there seems at first glance to be a lot of research that’s been done on pain (especially when it comes to opioids), what’s being studied has little to no relevance to the underlying issue: how do we successfully treat chronic pain patients effectively so that they can regain function, reduce their pain to manageable levels and enjoy a modicum of quality of life.

Nor can we rely on our current US House of Representatives, US Senate or US President to create new laws to properly deal with what constitutes torturing chronic pain patients.  As a group, chronic pain patients don’t have the money or the lobbying group sufficient to go up against big pharma and the healthcare lobbies.

What the chronic pain patient community does have is numbers.  There are an estimated 50 million plus chronic pain patients in the US, each of whom has a couple of friends or family who understands their plight and literally constitutes their support group.  Add that together and you come up with 150 million votes.  This is more voters than the entire electoral turnout for the 2020 election.  That means, if chronic pain patients and their support group rally around this single issue, they can control the election—it is in their power to elect the entire House of Representatives and the President of the United States and one-third of the US Senate (as only a third of them are up for election every two years).  Especially if we turn out for the primary elections—we can ensure that the only candidates left standing have all pledged to pass our legislation. United we stand, and no force on earth can stop chronic pain patients from what is essentially a peaceful revolution leading to the evolution of a humane and reasonable health care system dedicated to quality-of-life outcomes with relief from pain.  Doesn’t matter what political party you align with—on this single issue, if all #CPP agree to support legislation to provide humane and effective Pain Management treatment to all CPP without restrictions or guidelines over party we all win.  There are no party lines on this issue—this is one of those times you cross party lines for the good of the country (and yourself.)

This is why we have chosen the classic Revolutionary War image to represent our mission.  In the coming months, working with legal teams as well as Chronic Pain Advocate Organizations, we will craft legislation.  Once that legislation is crafted, we will seek out candidates who will guarantee to pass said legislation within ten days of their inauguration after the 2024 election.  We will help our candidates with the signatures needed to get on the ballot, regardless of party affiliation: democrat, republican, libertarian, green, independent or any other affiliation.  Then we will vote them in.  We will also have recall ballots waiting to go should any candidate renege on their pledge to our legislation as written.  Further, we will explore making this pledge into a binding contract, where if a candidate were to renege on their pledge, not only would they be recalled as soon as possible, they would pay a fine of $10 million dollars to our group.  Not even big pharma or the health care industry has enough money to pay these fines.

We do this not because it’s easy—because frankly it will be hard—but because it is absolutely necessary to the health and well-being of over 20% of our population who currently suffer from doing the work we have relied on for so many years to enjoy our own lives.  It is also necessary to restore the meaning of what our country stands for: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  We like to preach these things and portray ourselves as being a great democracy that stands as a beacon for human rights throughout the world—while simultaneously denying those same rights to our own population.

Along the way, some of what we will propose as legislation will by necessity follow a road map that will be controversial, but critical to its passage.  The chronic pain patient cannot be expected to take to the streets to protest their lack of treatment—hell, a lot of chronic pain patients can’t get out of bed for days on end.  But they can vote and revolution has always come from those that dare. It will require an overhaul of both our economic and political priorities to some degree.  It will require chronic pain patients to unite as one, even if there are some things they personally disagree with, just as they must realize that all chronic pain patients are not the same in the cause of their pain or the degree of their pain, they must also realize that fundamentally they are all the same in the way they are mistreated and neglected by our health system.  The forces against are big and in many cases evil.  We are offering the chronic pain patients hope, support, understanding and compassion and the inevitability of success against a health care system who disrespects and disregards us.  In return, we ask you to get on board with our mission.  Let’s face it, if you do nothing, as recent history has shown us, your treatment will get worse, your pain will increase and your hope will disappear.  You gave your life working at jobs everyone else needed to enjoy their life, it’s time to take back what society owes you. 

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